Cases worldwide sit at 5,681,609, with cases in the U.S. at 1,725,275. Deaths worldwide are at 352,162 with U.S. deaths at just over 100,000. Brazil continues to be the new hot spot, recording more single day deaths today than the U.S.
Today was our first day back to work. And when I say back to work, let me be clear we’re still at home. What I mean is that we had a five day weekend over Memorial Day. Work blows, but I am thankful that I still have a job and that I can do it from home unlike so many others. My my went to a medical supply store today to pick up something she ordered. The worker was a kid who had no mask, sneezed and then handled her ID. People are dicks. Thankfully mom was wearing her own mask.
Our long weekend was great. We did some stuff around the house, like handing up our hummingbird feeder, and the pretty path lights that JDub got us for Christmas. They’re so pretty.

We also walked about 30 miles. Thankful for sunshine and 80+ degree days, I resumed my deck-reading. I’m almost done with the Lightbringer series. It’s been very good. Not in my top five or anything, but very good. JDub is reading the Throne of Glass series and is loving it. It makes me want to read it all over again. I’ve joined Goodreads, which I guess helps me document how big of a nerd I am. It’s been my go-to site for finding the next good book to read, and it’s been very reliable. It also lets me mark all the books that I have read. I’ve done the best I can, but there’s a ton that I’ve missed.
I finished Grey’s Anatomy season 16, which was cut short by this pandemic, but still enjoyable. Now I have started re-watching Thirteen Reasons Why since the new season starts on June 5th. Such a powerful and yet, very depressing series. All I can say is thank goodness I didn’t have to go to high school during the age of social media. Most of all, thank goodness tomorrow is Friday! I love a two-day work week!