Cases worldwide sit at 4,685,889, with cases in the U.S. at 1,495,981. Deaths worldwide are close to 311,000 with U.S. deaths at about 89,000. Other than the U.S., the hot spots right now seems to be Russia, and to a lesser extent India and Brazil. Cases in Ohio are closing in on 28,000 with the greatest concentration in Franklin county (Columbus).
In Ohio, restaurants, salons and shops are open with some restrictions. In a meeting Thursday, it was suggested that we will not return to the office until July. Baseball is also supposed to start in July with no fans in the stands.
S has dubbed me as “Chief Procurement Officer”. What once was a weekly shopping trip, is now a multi-pronged effort coordinating online ordering and grocery pick-ups from multiple locations. That sounds silly, but sometimes the grocery store doesn’t have everything you need and we’re eating and drinking more since we’re home 24/7. With our unique diet, it’s just not an option to stock up on frozen pizza, cereal and pasta.
S & I had a three day weekend this week and Memorial day is coming soon, which means a five day break. Yay! The weather has warmed up some and it’s been over 70 the past few days. It’s still not as warm as this time last year, but it’s getting there. Yesterday I finished mulching all the beds. The yard looks so pretty! I’ll have to remember to take a picture.
Today was supposed to be our first 5K. It was of course cancelled. Our second 5K was two weeks from now. It has been rescheduled for October 24th. That seems like a good time of year for it. This one is the Redlegs Run which benefits the Cincinnati Red Community Fund. The finish line is home plate in the stadium so we figured that was a once in a lifetime kind of opportunity.