Fall is officially here. It’s supposed to be 71 tomorrow and 48 Monday.
S & I have a three day weekend. We were supposed to be off last Monday, but there were massive layoffs at work. Sixteen of these I had to deliver. Yeah. Our job is awesome 🙁
Anyway, that is the last I am mentioning that.
Today was fun. We went shopping and then grilled steaks. Our anniversary was yesterday.
Just finished what may be my favorite book of this year. Carrie Soto is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid. I highly recommend.
JDub & I have also been binging One Tree Hill. So fun.
Took a picture from the interwebs today of what was one of the best college football games I have seen in years. I am not a fan or either team, but I was rooting for Tennessee because they have been a perennial loser for probably 15 years. They’ve never seemed to be able to win the big one, but they did today and the scene was madness.