I bitch a lot about winter. It’s really the sun I miss more than the heat, but in reality winter here isn’t usually too terrible. Maybe one storm with a few inches of snow or a storm that gives you ice or one week of single digit temps. Not this year. This year we’ve been gifted with a polar vortex. I feel like I’m living in Buffalo. From Sunday to Monday we got close to a foot of snow. We’ve had terribly cold temperatures. (Yesterday morning it was 0 when I woke up) with no end in sight, and today we’re supposed to get four more inches of snow. We have had more snowfall than Cleveland. What? The Dubs haven’t gotten hit nearly as much as we, or GG, have. I don’t think it’s fair when there is more snow in the south. C’mon Mother Nature! It snowed in Dallas yesterday. That’s just wrong.
I cannot begin to convey how happy I am that we work from home. I would not want to try and commute in this mess. We’re not used to this king of snow here. I hope this means our summer will be awesome because I feel like we never got to really enjoy summer last year with selling the house and moving.
I tried to take some photos, but these don’t do a great job of showing the depth of snow. Hey. At least our creek will be full when it melts!