It’s April, so tax season is coming to a close. S and I have little interest in preparing and filing our own taxes, and have had them done by an accountant for years. After moving to the almost country, we found this local guy who is fantastic, AND super reasonable. He’s about ten minutes and three long, two-lane country roads, away from us. Yesterday afternoon we were scheduled to pick up our completed taxes. We left the hellhole that is work early, at 4:15 for the drive to his home. The weather has been very mild this week, but with that has come some strong, spring storms. Yesterday got up to nearly 80 degrees with thunderstorms off and on. No sooner than we pulled out of the drive, it starting pouring rain. Thunder, lightning, and gusting winds made our drive to the tax guy’s a little precarious. We commented more than once that we hoped this tree or that tree wouldn’t fall over.
When we arrived, the storm seemed to break and by the time we entered his home the rain had stopped. We completed our business with him and turned around to head back home, and this happened:

While it may be difficult to see in the photo, this was quite a large tree. S got out to examine it. To make it even more surreal, there was a guy in a truck behind us. He was very friendly. After examining the felled tree, he declared that while he didn’t have a strap that would allow him to pull it out of the way with his truck, he did live just around the corner and was going to go back home to get his chainsaw. If I were driving alone, I might have waited around to see this, but after the man backed up, and presumably headed off to get the chainsaw, S turned our vehicle around and we headed toward town down another set of country roads. Thankfully, none of which, we blocked by fallen trees!