Nov 282021

Happy Thanksgiving

It’s a good day Bengals beat the Steelers for the third time in a row. This is the first time that has happened in 31 years. And… we are off for the next two days.…Continue Reading

Sep 122021

September 11th, 2021

Today is the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks which saw hijacked airplanes hit the twin towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. A fourth plane, United Flight 93, crashed in Pennsylvania after…Continue Reading

Jun 262021

5K Complete! Check.

Yep. You read correctly. We have finally completed our first 5K. I beat my goal time by two minutes. S was adamant that we finish together. He could have easily finished two minutes before me.…Continue Reading

Apr 102021

Spring 2021

Wow! It’s been so long sine I’ve written anything, I decided I’d better get with it and provide an update. Covid is still with us. The good news is that vaccines are rolling out across…Continue Reading

Dec 292020

Two Years Later

With only two days left in 2020, our two year anniversary of Keto-eating is fast approaching. I’ve been thinking about how to acknowledge that and summarize all the changes we’ve made. Let me start at…Continue Reading

Dec 202020

That’s My Philosophy

Remember the movie My Blue Heaven with Steve Martin? So many great quotes. At one point he is on a flight to New York and he tips the flight attendant. He explains to co-star Rick…Continue Reading

Nov 152020

This is Going to Be Weird

Where to begin? There are so many weird things going on in the world right now, it’s hard to know where to start. (I should make it clear that neither option presented appealed to me,…Continue Reading

Nov 012020

Cauliflower is Truly the Wonder Food!

As we are approaching the two year anniversary of quest to eat healthier and become more physically fit, we reflected this week on the wonder food. That’s right. It’s cauliflower. I seriously don’t know if…Continue Reading