Cats. They’re why I can’t have nice things. But, I still love them. My hydrangea tree is full of huge, beautiful pink and white blooms. I decided I’d cut a few and put them in…Continue Reading
Category: Ramblings
After my morning walk, I drove to visit my mom. It’s nice being so close. It’s such a pretty drive too. Lots of back roads bordered by fields of summer corn. After visiting my mom,…Continue Reading
You can certainly see what was on sale at Kroger this week just by looking at this week’s meal plan. Pork! Saturday: Brats & Tots Sunday: Lunch prep day! Cheese cubes, pasta salad, grapes and…Continue Reading
One thing I have learned from moving to a small town with very few dining choices is how to plan our weekly meals. Not only are the options for dining out limited, but our grocery…Continue Reading
The weather has been perfect for the past couple of days. It’s made my morning walk much more enjoyable. For a few days there, it was so hot I was really struggling. Today, my last…Continue Reading
Sports. It’s how I met my husband. (Talking about them, not playing them). It’s not as if I started liking sports because he did. It’s also not because I’ve ever been good at any sport.…Continue Reading
I’m on vacation! It’s Independence Day week and boy oh boy is it hot! As the temperature rose during the days leading up to my vacation, I found myself researching ideas for cool slushie drinks…Continue Reading
As you’ve probably guessed, today was Sunday. I didn’t have any special plans so I decided to spend some time cooking a few dishes that took some extra time. I enjoy lasagna, but to be…Continue Reading
New construction. If you ever have the opportunity to build a new home, I highly recommend it. It’s a lot of fun. It’s so nice to choose all of your own colors, your appliances, fixtures,…Continue Reading
Today is the last day of our mini Memorial Day weekend vacation. What a beautiful weekend. It included a nice visit with friends and family, a fun evening with neighbors and as any American holiday…Continue Reading