Another Christmas passed. Another year almost at an end. This Christmas was particularly memorable because of the weather. We experienced something called a bomb cyclone which caused temperatures to be at or below zero for…Continue Reading
INGREDIENTS INSTRUCTIONS OPTIONAL **All credit to for this recipe idea.
One of my favorite things about summer is getting local, farm-fresh veggies. My dream retirement home would allow me to have a vegetable garden. But for now, we go to the pop-up farmer’s market in…Continue Reading
To properly convey what a nut I have become, or maybe what an old lady I’ve become, it’s important to mention that it is currently just after 5 AM. Before moving to the almost country,…Continue Reading
Fall is officially here. It’s supposed to be 71 tomorrow and 48 Monday. S & I have a three day weekend. We were supposed to be off last Monday, but there were massive layoffs at…Continue Reading
Yesterday was Labor Day. We had a glorious, five day, weekend. Yes! I actually got S to take a 5 day weekend! Yay. It’s hard to believe that summer’s almost over. I was hoping for…Continue Reading
What’s new in the “Almost Country”, you ask? Well, it’s hard to believe it’s almost football time again. S & I went to the Bengals practice last weekend. It was HOT. Joey B had his…Continue Reading
I loved the experience of building a new home and highly recommend it. That said, as I look back, there are questions I wished I would have asked, choices I might have made differently and…Continue Reading
Anyone who knows S & I, know that we like to make up names for things. For example, we’ll give names to neighbors we don’t know, but who we see regularly. The trees in our…Continue Reading