Yesterday we journeyed north for Tdub’s birthday. We went bowling, which was pretty fun and then back to the house for pizza and cake. I won our game of bowling, which tells you how bad…Continue Reading
I know. I know. I have been a lazy slacker and not posted in way too long. My excuses are: Christmas and a new laptop. Let’s start with Christmas. I think all in all, this…Continue Reading
Yesterday S & I celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary. We also participated in the Haunted Wine Run which was a 5K that happened mere blocks from our house. The 5K was awesome because we could…Continue Reading
Those who really know me will read this list and be nodding along as they go through each line, but maybe you’ll be surprised.
As we’ve done for the past few weeks, we headed out to walk the bike path yesterday. This week we went to town and headed east over the bridge. This is the part of the…Continue Reading
Today is actually the day after labor day, but we took a vacation day to have an extra long weekend. We live really close to a massive bike trail that actually traverses most of the…Continue Reading
I’m not exaggerating when I say that I have watched/rooted for the Reds since I was probably five or six years old. My grandpa Tony, in particular, was a huge Reds fan. Unlike the Bengals,…Continue Reading
It’s June 18th. Yay summer. Other than the fact that we probably only had rain twice from my last post to this one, the weather has been pretty nice. I do hope we have some…Continue Reading
What’s new in the almost country you ask? Not too much, but it’s early and it’s raining so I decided to post while I drink coffee! It’s that time of year when everything is ridiculously…Continue Reading