Jul 092022

So You Want to Build a House

I loved the experience of building a new home and highly recommend it. That said, as I look back, there are questions I wished I would have asked, choices I might have made differently and…Continue Reading

Jun 112022

Meet Norm

Anyone who knows S & I, know that we like to make up names for things. For example, we’ll give names to neighbors we don’t know, but who we see regularly. The trees in our…Continue Reading

Jun 112022

My Gardening Tips

Make a plan. Consider how much sun your plants will get. Southern facing areas, assuming no great areas of shade from surrounding trees or buildings, should be considered areas that will receive full sun. North-facing…Continue Reading

May 082022

Mother’s Day 2022

Happy Mother’s Day! I was talking with Gigi yesterday and she said, “You know. I think JDub is the best mother.” I would have to agree. Some of the projects and activities she comes up…Continue Reading

Mar 192022

My Favorite Day of the Year

I woke up this morning and realized it is my favorite day of the year. Not March 19th mind you. The date itself holds no special meaning. But, as I stood at the back window…Continue Reading

Feb 202022

Post Superbowl Reflection

Yes. That’s right. This post is entitled Superbowl Reflection. Years from now, hopefully someone will read this and remember the magic that was the Bengal’s 2021 NFL Season. Last time I posted, Cincy was sitting…Continue Reading

Dec 272021

Christmas Vacation

Yesterday was Christmas at my mom’s. It was officially the last Christmas at GGs. It was a lot of fun seeing the kids. There were a million presents and I think everyone had a really…Continue Reading

Dec 042021

Almost Christmas

Since I have been such a slacker about blogging this year, and I am up early, I figured I would take some time to write something with a bit more detail today. Covid is still…Continue Reading

Nov 282021

Happy Thanksgiving

It’s a good day Bengals beat the Steelers for the third time in a row. This is the first time that has happened in 31 years. And… we are off for the next two days.…Continue Reading