Sep 082024

I had to look at the last time I posted to see where I left off! Good grief. It’s been months! In my defense it has been a very busy and stressful couple of months. The good news is that despite the stress of the cleaning, packing, house showings, plus the added stress of our normal jobs, everything went fairly smoothly. We definitely learned that we are too old for these shenanigans and if/when we ever move again, we should not try to take on so much.

Because I am cheap, and because we were only moving a mile away, I told myself that we could have the movers get the big stuff while we got everything else. Big mistake. Going back and forth in the two vehicles over and over, even moving thigs that were not exceedingly heavy really takes a toll on you. Especially when it’s mid-august and there are multiple sets of stairs involved.

We were fortunate in many things and the pre-planning really did pay off. After our final walkthrough, our project manager Michael gave us one of the garage door openers. Mind you, we hadn’t closed yet, but as we learned later, it was his last week on the job before moving to a new role, and he trusted us not to be crazy. We told him we just wanted to move some things into the garage. That weekend we also came over and cut the grass. It was getting quite long and we didn’t want to have to do it the week were were moving. We closed on the old house on Monday, the 12th. We continued to move as much as we could to the new house which really saved us. We closed on this house on the 13th. After having lunch, we promptly started painting the outside foundation. Maybe no one else will ever realize we’ve done this, but looking at the house now, we’re really glad we did. At the time it was a hot, painful and never-ending chore that left us exhausted and sore. The next day was moving day. This was another very trying and exhausting day that left us both taking Tylenol by the end. Since you know my aversion to swallowing any type of pill, you know I was in bad shape. Thursday was unpacking day, appliance delivery day and clean the old house day. We were pretty worn out by this stage so hauling the remaining items over and cleaning the house top to bottom for the new buyers just about did us in, but we did it and managed not to kill each other in the process. There were definitely moments of severe crabbiness, which you know is very rare, but we made it. Friday was handyman day, and wow, these guys were so awesome. They hung all four ceiling fans, some blinds, our pendant lights, the big mirror and a could other items. Money well spent for sure. Saturday was landscaping day. The builder adds some super basic landscaping which you have no choice in. Despite our best efforts to nudge them toward no roses & no pines, we ended up with a some of those cheap pine shrubs that grow like 20 feet high that we hate. Those had to go, and they had to go quickly before they became too entrenched for us to remove on our own. I wrapped up the landscaping work I had planned on Sunday morning and we continued work to unpack things that were still boxed up. It definitely did not feel like a vacation!

The good news is that we love the house. We’ve been here a little over three weeks and we are very happy with our choice to move. We’ve already seen deer multiple times, and although the lot is much larger and harder to maintain, it’s so pretty. The Dubs and GG came for a visit on Sunday. We grilled burgers and brats which were accompanied by cole slaw, potato salad and pea salad. So typical Labor Day fare. I fun day was had by all and it was great to get together. The deck is in progress and should be done in about 10 days.

If you can believe it, today is the first Sunday of the NFL season. Holy crap, where did summer go?

Go Bengals! WHO-DEY.