I really like our Christmas Tree. We’ve gone through many iterations of trees through the years. Real trees, fake trees, little trees, large trees and even no tree. While I love the smell and look of a real tree, I hate the idea that it got chopped down for the purpose of decorating my house for a month. Then there’s the cost and the mess. When GG decided a few years ago that she was done hosting Christmas, she gave me her tree and a bunch of ornaments. We added more of our own and bought a few more. I can truly say I love this tree. We have it connected to a smart plug so every morning when I come down for my coffee, I tell the Mimsy to turn on the Christmas tree. It makes me happy.
I could tell you that as I’ve grown older our house is more important to me. I don’t really think that’s true. I have always wanted to have a beautiful house. Even when I was a kid, I’d see those big, grand houses off of West David or over on Ridgeway and think, “I want a house like that”. But then you’re an adult and things cost money. I’ve always worked hard and been pretty frugal. I’ve never been very interested in shoes, jewelry, bags, clothes or manicures. I’m more interested in retirement, and alas neither S or I are a surgeon, business tycoon or actor. So what do you do? You make choices. We’ve traveled many places and we’ve invested with the goal of NOT working until we’re 65. I’m sure we’ll travel some more. There are a few places we still want to see. For now though, I am contented sitting in my house and looking around our new house, the woods outside and for th4e next few weeks, our Christmas tree.
Headed to Texas for a couple days. (work) Ugh. I hate it. This is the first time I’ve traveled since I flew to Chicago a few days before everything was locked down for COVID. Boy! That was a surreal trip. Work takes up a lot of my time. I hate it taking away my Sunday. Thankfully it’s only for two days.