It’s June 18th. Yay summer. Other than the fact that we probably only had rain twice from my last post to this one, the weather has been pretty nice. I do hope we have some rain this week for the sake of our local farmers. I do love the summer farmer’s market, and at this rate I fear no one will be able to grow any corn!
I actually thought Father’s Day was last Sunday and gifted S a Cincinnati Red shirt with some matching basketball shorts. I also threw in the annual “Thanks for getting me pregnant. Good job!”, for good measure. Today he only gets a really good cheeseburger, and maybe a kiss.
In sports news the Reds are awesome. I’m not saying they are win-the-World-Series-awesome, but they are way better than we had hoped they would be. Lest anyone forget, S & I love sports movies and this time of year we are constantly bantering about quotes from the movie, Major Leagues, which is an absolute quotable classic. In March and April we were saying, “Who are these fucking guys?”. In May, we said, “There’s a couple potential All-Stars out there.” In June we’ve move to “We’re contenders now”. I know that even if I look back on this paragraph a decade from now, that will remind me of exactly how I felt about this team and how much fun this summer of baseball has been.
Last year, the Reds started with a record of 3-21. This year, in April, they were 11-17. Obviously not great, but clearly improved. In May, they continued to get better winning 14 games. June started out rough with four straight losses, but they have been on fire since and currently sit at 1 game over .500 only a 1/2 game out of 1st in the division. No matter what, this is a FUN team. This is a team that makes baseball fun to watch. They are young and fast. They bunt. They steal a lot of bases. They don’t hit a ton of homeruns, but they kill you by stringing together a lot of hits. If someone does hit a homerun, they put on a Viking helmet and cape in the dugout. When they get on base, they often make a motion as if they are rowing, as in it take a team of men working together to row the big Viking ship. (baseball players are weird) The second photo below includes our new favorite player, #9 Matt McClain with an empty bubble gum bucket on his head. Another awesome Cincy #9? Okay then.

Yesterday we rescued a turtle. Okay. Rescue is a strong word, but the turtle was in our side yard, baking in the hot sun. We gave him water and moved him to the shade where he was much happier.

I am currently binge-reading Regency-era romance novels. I know. I know. Weird, right? I rarely read something so fluffy. I really liked the Bridgerton series and then I got hooked on Outlander. This led me to look for other historical romance novels, and here I am. They’re light, fluffy, fun, easy reads which right now I am enjoying.
And now I am off to prepare cheeseburgers for linner (Yes linner). Because seriously, what else would S want on father’s day? XOXO