I’m a slacker. I haven’t blogged in over two weeks. I have no excuse except laziness. I even had a long weekend last week, but I just didn’t have a lot to say. I did, however, take some photos which help illustrate what’s been going on in the “almost country”.
First, and most importantly, the “Volcano Toy” was a big hit with TDub. He made me a lovely thank you card. LDub also liked his Legos and made a really cool video featuring them.

Next, I have embarked on a huge challenge. The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. I have often mentioned finding books to read by looking at reviews on Goodreads. This is one of the highest rated books you’ll ever find. I’ve actually had it in my possession for years, but…. it’s a little intimidating even for an avid reader like me. I hesitate to even call it a book. It’s more appropriate name may be a tome. I’m on page 468 of 1250 in my mass market paperback version. It’s really good so far, but DAMN!

As usual, I’ve been trying to spend as much time outside as I can. I kind of have the blues because I feel like summer is winding down. (Have I mentioned how much I hate winter)? I’ve, of course, been spending time on my deck reading, and one of my favorite things about this time of year is the hydrangea tree that grows near the deck. So pretty! I’ve cut some blooms and have them drying in the garage. If you didn’t know this, hydrangea are some of the best flowers for drying. Last year I enjoyed them for months in an arrangement in my kitchen.

My final observation and photo are a reflection of a task I perform every week. The first thing to understand is that S & I really like cheese. Even pre-Keto, I packed our lunches every day and it has always included cheese cubes. Plus, they’re just a really good snack. Especially with almonds. Working from home has changed nothing. So every weekend when I return from my walk/jog, I spend some time cubing cheese. This particular mix is Havarti, Hot Pepper, Swiss, Gouda and sharp cheddar. Also pictured is my homemade cold brew iced coffee.

What’s up with COVID you ask? Still here. Masks mandated almost everywhere in our state (and many states). Russia says they have a vaccine. Hard to say whether that’s true. I suspect they can get a vaccine out a lot faster than a litigious society like ours, so maybe it works. Too soon to tell. Still working at home. I don’t see much changing anytime soon. XOXO