Cases worldwide sit at 14.4M, with cases in the U.S. at 3.78 million. Deaths worldwide are at 603K with U.S. deaths closing at about 142,000. New cases in the US are at the highest yet with 60-70K new cases per day. Nothing much else to say. It was starting to get under control. Now it’s a cluster.
It is crazy hot & dry here. We’ve had very little rain in the past two weeks and none for several days. It’s been over 90 for many of those days. Right now my phone says it’s 93, but the ‘realfeel’ temp says 99. For the past two days, I have done about 60% of my walk, come home to get a drink and then gone back out to finish the rest. Yesterday I did sit on the deck for quite awhile reading. I’ve just started the Ancestor trilogy by Mark Lawrence. Loving it so far! While I was reading, two baby deer came to the yard. So cute! And they actually hung out long enough for me to get photos.

Today I grilled chicken and sweet potatoes. Yes. I know. Sweet potatoes again! I can’t help it. I am obsessed. I also made a cilantro lime slaw. Really good

I’m really looking forward to next weekend. We have a couple of vacation days coming up. Woohoo! Looks like another week of 90+ degree weather heading our way. I’m not complaining mind you. I can deal with hot. It’s the cold I hate. I just wish we could get a little rain. Looks like we could get some storms on Tuesday and Wednesday. The poor little pond at the end of the street is dry as a bone. S didn’t even cut the grass this week. We decided that leaving it a little shaggy would be better in the long run with this heat.
Yesterday TDub printed his name. J wrote his name in chalk on the driveway and then he copied it underneath. I thought it was pretty clever. I’m not sure how many 3 year old’s can print their name!