Cases worldwide sit at 9,505,900, with cases in the U.S. at 2.46 million. Deaths worldwide are at 485K with U.S. deaths closing at about 126,000. New cases in Ohio are rising with everything being open and a lot of increased testing. They’re bouncing around between +600 – 800 a day. Texas, California and Florida are the new US hot spots. Brazil is out of control. News is reporting increases of 40k – 50k per day. Cases in India are also on the rise with new cases today at nearly 17,000.
Poor GG. She fell in the yard and broke her collarbone and today her air conditioning broke. Oy vey! She went to the orthopedist today and got a sling. She says she’s okay. JDub and I have both offered to go stay with her, but she’s adamant that she’s fine.
In the “almost country”, things are pretty much the same. The biggest change since I last posted is that I have become a grillmaster! I LOVE our new grill. S has been working late so I have grilled every, single night. I’ve grilled burgers, brats, chicken, steaks, turkey breast, shrimp, chops. You name it! I’m really splurging this week. I’m going to grill some corn! I don’t think I have had corn on the cob in almost two years. (Corn is a very high carb veggie) I know! I am a wild woman.
This is my new, favorite marinade: Cilantro, lime juice, lime zest, minced garlic, salt pepper, olive oil. Throw it in the ninja and blend. Yum.

With the help of NDub, we also finally, finally got some dumbbells. It’s unbelievable how hard to come by workout things have become. I get it. I mean all the gyms were closed until recently, but I had no idea so many people were interested in weight training or that dumbbells would be so scarce. I continue to try and focus on my arms. I have a picture in my head of really nice, toned arms with some nice pop to the biceps. A work in progress.
Next week is a short week as Independence Day falls on a Saturday which means the national holiday will be celebrated on Friday. We also have Monday and Tuesday off, so a nice five day weekend. Crossing my fingers for nice weather.
I’m nearing the end of book two of the The First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie. It’s quite good. T Dub had his wellness visit today and was pronounced “a very healthy little boy”.