Those who really know me will read this list and be nodding along as they go through each line, but maybe you’ll be surprised.
- When I get worked up about something, I am an F-Bomb Dropper. However, I am not a screamer unless I am watching sports!
- I read 80 – 90 books a year.
- If I could be granted any talent, I would want to be able to sing.
- When I retire, I’d like to take up the guitar.
- If I could have a super power, I would want to be able to fly.
- I love to play computer games of all kinds.
- If I could go back and change anything, I would have spent more time learning general handyman/repair skills from my dad.
- I hate putt-putt golf. A lot.
- I love Food Network.
- I am an avid gardener on a small scale, but if I didn’t have a job I would LOVE to have a little plot of land to grow my own veggies.
- On our first date, S & I had Chinese food at a place called the Golden Phoenix. We also had Chinese food on our honeymoon. No idea what the name of that place was, but it had a Goodfellas/Godfather vibe that we joked about the whole time we were there. It was really good food, but we did feel like maybe there was a secret backroom where mob deals were going down.
- My favorite comfort food is chocolate.
- My favorite flavor of ice cream is probably Graeter’s Toffee Chip.
- When others talk about “brain freeze” as an effect of eating ice cream, I have no idea what they’re talking about. That has never happened to me. I just nod my head like I understand.
- I’m not a big drinker, but my favorite drink is a margarita.
- I am generally not fearful of bugs or spiders. If one gets in the house, I would prefer to move it back outside, rather than squash it.
- Imagine that shrieking scream you hear women make in a horror film. I cannot make that noise even if I try. Not even close.
- I’m pretty frugal. (some would say cheap) The one exception is probably food. I don’t mind spending money on good food. Although since moving to the almost-country, where I cook almost every meal, even that is not a big expense. I am that person that squeezes out the last drop of toothpaste. I once found my husband had thrown away his Old Spice bodywash, which I swear was still 1/3 full. I took it to my shower and used it for like three weeks until it was actually empty.
- I’m not a prepper, but if I wasn’t so cheap I totally could be! I am a planner by nature and I would love the whole process of organizing/storing essentials. Fascinating!
- I have 4 categories of towels (J Dub gets this)
- I hate shoes. If I could be barefoot or in socks all the time, I would. If I do wear a shoe, it is generally a slide or slipper depending on the season.
- I enjoy classical and epic music. My favorites are Beethoven’s 9th (movement 4, a.k.a. Ode to Joy) and John Williams’s Jurassic Park theme.
- I have a really hard time swallowing pills. My vitamins are gummies!
- I hate cola and/or cola-flavored things. Yuk!
- I do not have a tattoo, but if I did it would be a small lizard of some sort.
- I make my bed every day no matter what.
- I am not bendy. Never have been.
- While I enjoy a bit of fun gossip as much as the next person, I am an awesome secret-keeper. If you ask me not to tell anyone, I won’t.
- I sleep with one pillow. (It’s a really good pillow)
- I do not like to sit on the ground. I find it very uncomfortable. If at the beach, a picnic or a fireworks show, I would much prefer a chair.
- I rarely dream, or if I do, I do not remember them.
- I was once in a Ms. PACMAN tournament
- I learned to play Euchre and Pinochle when I was 5 or 6 years old.
- My favorite flowers are tulips, but I have none in my garden. It’s more like they’re my favorite flower if someone were going to buy me a bunch of cut flowers for a vase.
- I think Sherbet should be outlawed.
- I prefer sour patch gummies to regular gummies. Those little watermelon slices are divine.
- I make up nicknames for everyone I don’t know personally. Neighbors, athletes. I also name the critters in our yard.
- I often use movie quotes in everyday conversations.